Information about Cars on Fifth/Naples Automotive Experience
Here you will find information on where to purchase Cars on Fifth event tickets, what to do if you have lost your ticket, where you can purchase merchandise, and answers to other questions about the Naples Automotive Experience and Cars on Fifth.
Where can I park?
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Special Accommodations Inquiry
Free parking and free shuttle to the show is available at the parking garages at the county offices on 41 and Airport Road.
Can I Uber?
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To volunteer:
Uber pickup spots are at 9th St. and 41 behind Wells Fargo, 3rd Ave. South and 8th. St. South, and 6th Ave. South at 3rd St. South.
How do I register my car for Cars on Fifth?
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To register your car for Cars on Fifth:
Click the button below to visit the Cars on Fifth registration page. Club registration pages are password protected. Consult your club leadership for information.
How can I volunteer?
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To volunteer:
If you would like to volunteer for Cars on Fifth, or would be interested in volunteering at any St. Matthew's House Event, select Volunteer Signup as the subject in the contact form on this page.
I would like to be a vendor at Cars on Fifth
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To become an approved vendor for Cars on Fifth:
All Vendor Areas are Full!
I lost my ticket? What can I do?
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If you have lost your Cars on Fifth event or concourse ticket:
Select "Lost Ticket" in the form dropdown, select the events you are attending and have misplaced your ticket or wristband. A staff member will contact you with further instructions.
When is Ben Allen playing?
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Special Accommodations Inquiry
He will be playing in Cambier Park from 10:30 to 3:00.
How can I ask about special accommodations for Cars on Fifth?
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Special Accommodations Inquiry
If you or someone you are inquiring for need special accommodations to enjoy the Cars on Fifth Concourse Feb 08, 2025, please select the Special Accommodations subject in the contact form on this page. Briefly describe your situation and someone from our event staff will reach out to assist.
What special cars will be there.
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Special Accommodations Inquiry
Ferraris - F40, F50, 288GTO, SP3, 275 GTBC, 12 Cylindri, Purasangue, 812 Competitione, 458 Speciale, Pista, F12 TDF
Bugatti Chiron
30 Ford GTs
16 Porsche 356
Can I buy tickets day of show?
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Tickets Day of Show
Tickets can be purchased day of show until we sell out. Tickets can be purchased at any St. Matthew's House Thrift Store until Friday February 7th.